How to throw a holiday cocktail party like a bona fide adult

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It seems to be established fact that, as a tribe, we millennials don't identify as actual adults.  

I'm not 100% sure that this phenomena is exclusive to our generation. My late Grandfather (b. 1925) used to joke with me all the time about how he was really a 24 year old just trying to do whatever it took not to get in trouble with my Grandma - and whose wrinkles were these anyway?! 

But hey - I get the imposter sydrome. Sometimes, talking to my accountant feels like I'm playing make believe. And living with my boyfriend? I'm honestly confused as to why we're not making pillow forts every night.

On the other hand, there are some things that never fail to make me feel like a bona fide grown up, handling life like Red Pollard on Seabiscuit. Inviting friends over for dinner and picking out the wine yourself to go with the food, rather than relying on BYOB. Getting up early on a Saturday to go swimming. Serving a meal of components entirely made by me (including the bread in the sausages!).

And hosting a cocktail party.

It's sort of a given, seeing as I've spent my entire professional life in the drinks industry. But for people who don't just happen to have a stash of rare tequilas, whiskies and every kind of gin under the sun snaffled from events, friendly reps and judicious staff discounts - home-mixology is bloody intimidating.

So I decided to share the love and have complied the only guide you'll ever need for throwing a holiday cocktail party like the badass grown up you are.

Better yet, it's totally FREE!

My exclusive free download covers everything you've ever wanted to know about throwing the cocktail party of the century. It includes:

  • 12 original drinks recipes
  • Non-alcoholic and 'skinny' options
  • Winter punches and delicious festive hot alcoholic drinks
  • My low down of the essential kit (all to be found in your kitchen) - plus my top tips for quick preparations which will make hosting a cinch
  • My tips for adding professional finish to your home concoctions - including easy peasy flavoured syrups and quick garnishes
  • Plus an infinate number of quick tricks and suggestions to help you find your feet and make these cocktails your own

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