The Flu Fighter

Christmas and New Year mean two things to me: ALL the food and drink (if you can say no to Stilton and Tawny Port we can't be friends), and the inevitable cold born of sleepless nights and overindulgence.

Enter The Flu Fighter.

Skinny cocktails tend to be a bit sad seeming, usually involving switching full fat mixers for diet. For me, that just won't cut the mustard. As with low-cal food options, spice turned out to be my best friend for developing skinny cocktails which feel that little bit more virtuous in the season of overindulgence - as well as zapping any sniffles that may be threatening to spoil the party.

This cocktail is a riff on one of my favourites - a Dark’n’Stormy. Be warned - it's pretty fierce. 

The Flu Fighter

Serves 1

2 shots dark rum

1 shot ginger juice

Juice ½ lime

1 giant ice cube/ crushed ice and soda (you can make this cocktail long or short, depending on your preference)

  1. If you fancy a salt rim garnish, first wipe the rim of your glass with a cut lime and dip into a mix of fine sea salt and chilli powder
  2. Mix the rum and ginger juice in the base of the glass
  3. For a short drink: add the giant ice cube, squeeze over the lime juice and stir
  4. For a long drink: top with crushed ice, soda, lime juice and stir

Like this? For more delicious skinny cocktails download my FREE guide: How To Host A Holiday Cocktail Party Like A Bona Fide Adult.

You'll get my easy tips and tricks for taking home-mixology to the next level, plus 12 original recipes and many more suggestions beside. 

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